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Google dork

I am only expressing one of the few tricks can still dig this from Google Dork.

One example is: filetype: sql password
The result can be viewed at: Google Dork (http://www.google.co.id/search?hl=id&q=filetype% 3Asql + password & btnG = Search & meta ==)

We take one .... well

PENTEST LIMITED - - --------------- - - - - File Name:% M ... -
dbms_output.put_line ( 'Display Database links where there is a password set'); dbms_output.put_line ('============================ ========================'); ...
http://www.pentest.co.uk/sql/scanner.sql - 69K - Cached - Similar pages

bro will see the results ...


G all because admin can usually use honey pot
Look for which there is no honey pot it ....

Other examples:
Google Search: ext: inc "pwd =" "UID ="
Dork: Link (3Ainc http://www.google.co.id/search?hl=id&q=ext% +% 22pwd% 3D% 22 +% 22UID% 3D% 22 & btnG = Search & meta =)


cs ct dim dim dim dim CS2 set rsSessione ct = Server.CreateObject ...

... "provider = MSDASQL; data source = artplus.it; database = artplus.it; user id = artplus_uid; artplus_pwd pwd =;" CS2 = "DSN = artplus.it; UID = artplus_uid; PWD = artplus_pw d ...
www.artplus.it / include / db.inc - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

after opening:


Dim ct
Dim cs
dim CS2
dim rsSessione

set ct = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection")
cs = "provider = MSDASQL; data source = artplus.it; database = artplus.it; user id = artplus_uid; artplus_pwd pwd =;"
CS2 = "DSN = artplus.it; UID = artplus_uid; artplus_pw PWD = d;"
'cs = "provider = MSDASQL; data source = artplus; database = artplus; user id = artplus2; radinpwd2 pwd =;"
'CS2 = "DSN = artplus; UID = artplus2; radinpwd2 PWD =;"
'cs = "provider = MSDASQL; data source = artplus; database = artplus; user id = artplus2; 333artplus3 pwd =;"
'CS2 = "DSN = artplus3; UID = artplus3; 333artplus3 PWD =;"

set rsSessione = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Recordset")

sub OpenDB
ct.ConnectionTimeout = 120
ct.Open cs
rsSessione.open "select * from g_session where session = '& session.sessionid, cs, 3.3
if not then rssessione.eof
rssessione ( "data") = now ()
rsSessione ( "Session") = session.sessionid
rssessione ( "data") = now ()
end if
end sub

sub CloseDB
set ct = nothing
end sub


Good luck

Other Google Dork:
- Intitle: "Index of" ". Htpasswd" htpasswd.bak
- Inurl: config.php dbuname dbPass
- Filetype: inc dbconn

Post # 2
Fauzyy ALhamèéÐ wroteon November 23, 2009 at 4:13 pm
How to Obtain USER NAME and PASSWORD.

inurl: admin inurl: | Generic Userlist Userlist files
inurl: admin filetype: | asp Generic Userlist files
inurl: Userlist |
inurl: php inurl: | Half-life statistics file, lists username and
hlstats intext: | other information
Server Username |
filetype: CTL |
inurl: haccess. | Microsoft FrontPage equivalent of htaccess
CTL Basic | shows Web user credentials
filetype: reg |
reg intext: | Microsoft Internet Account Manager can
"Internet account manager" | Reveal Usernames and more
filetype: wab wab | Microsoft Outlook Express Mail address
| books
filetype: mdb inurl: profiles | Microsoft Access databases containing
| profiles.
index.of perform.ini | mIRC IRC This file can list IRC Usernames and
| other information
inurl: root.asp? ACS = anon | Outlook Mail Web Access directory can be
| used to discover Usernames
filetype: conf inurl: proftpd. | PROFTP FTP server configuration file
conf-sample | reveals
| username and server information
filetype: log username putty | PuTTY SSH client logs can Reveal
| Usernames
| and server information
filetype: RDP RDP | Remote Desktop Connection files user Reveal
| credentials
intitle: index.of | UNIX bash shell history reveals commands
. bash_history | typed at a bash command prompt; Usernames
| are often typed as argument strings
intitle: index.of | UNIX shell history reveals commands typed at
. sh_history | a shell command prompt; Usernames are
| often typed as argument strings
"Index of" lck | Various lock files list the user currently using
| a file
+ intext: webalizer + intext: | Webalizer Web statistics page lists Web user -
Total Usernames + intext: | names and statistical information
"Usage Statistics for"
filetype: reg reg HKEY_ | Windows Registry exports can Reveal
CURRENT_USER | username Usernames and other information

inurl: / db / main.mdb | ASP-Nuke passwords
filetype: cfm "cfapplication | ColdFusion source with potential passwords
name "password
filetype: pass | dbman credentials
pass intext: userid
allinurl: auth_user_file.txt | DCForum user passwords
eggdrop filetype: user user | Eggdrop IRC user credentials
filetype: This inurl: flashFXP.ini | FlashFXP FTP credentials
filetype: url + inurl: "ftp://" | FTP bookmarks clearText passwords
+ inurl: "@"
inurl: zebra.conf intext: | GNU Zebra passwords
filetype: htpasswd htpasswd | HTTP htpasswd Web user credentials
intitle: "Index of" ". htpasswd" | HTTP htpasswd Web user credentials
"Htgroup"-intitle: "dist"
intitle: "Index of" ". htpasswd" | HTTP htpasswd Web user credentials
"Http:// *: * @ www" bob: bob | HTTP passwords (bob is a sample username)
"Sets mode: + k" | IRC channel keys (passwords)
"Your password is * | Remember IRC NickServ registration passwords
this for later use "
signin filetype: url | JavaScript authentication credentials
LeapFTP intitle: "index.of. /" | Client login credentials LeapFTP
sites.ini modified
inurl: lilo.conf filetype: conf | LILO passwords
bootpwd-man -
filetype: config config intext: | Microsoft. NET application credentials
appSettings "User ID"
filetype: pwd service | Microsoft FrontPage Service Web passwords
intitle: index.of | Microsoft FrontPage Web credentials
"#-FrontPage-" | Microsoft FrontPage Web passwords
inurl: service.pwd
ext: pwd inurl: _vti_pvt inurl: | Microsoft FrontPage Web passwords
(Service | authors | administrators)
inurl: perform filetype: this | mIRC NickServ credentials
intitle: "index of" intext: | mySQL database credentials
intitle: "index of" intext: | mySQL database credentials
filetype: conf oekakibbs | Oekakibss user passwords
filetype: dat wand.dat | Opera, ؤ Magic Wand, ù ؤ Web credentials
inurl: ospfd.conf intext: | OSPF Daemon Passwords
index.of passlist | Passlist user credentials
inurl: passlist.txt | passlist.txt file user credentials
filetype: dat "password.dat" | password.dat files
inurl: password.log filetype: log | password.log files reveals Usernames,
| passwords, and hostnames
filetype: log inurl: "password.log" | password.log files clearText
| passwords
inurl: people.lst filetype: lst | People.lst generic password file
intitle: index.of config.php | PHP Configuration File database
| credentials
inurl: dbuname dbPass config.php | PHP Configuration File database
| credentials
inurl: nuke filetype: sql | PHP-Nuke credentials
filetype: conf inurl: psybnc.conf | psyBNC IRC user credentials
filetype: This ServUDaemon | servU FTP Daemon credentials
filetype: conf slapd.conf | slapd configuration files root password
inurl: "slapd.conf" intext: | slapd LDAP credentials
- "Manual Page"-man:-sample
inurl: "slapd.conf" intext: | slapd LDAP root password
- "Manual Page"-man:-sample
filetype: sql "IDENTIFIED BY"-cvs | SQL passwords
filetype: sql password | SQL passwords
filetype: This wcx_ftp | Total Commander FTP passwords
filetype: netrc password | UNIX. netrc user credentials
index.of.etc | UNIX / etc directories contain
| various credential files
intitle: "Index of .. etc" passwd | UNIX / etc / passwd user credentials
intitle: index.of passwd | UNIX / etc / passwd user credentials
intitle: "Index of" pwd.db | UNIX / etc / pwd.db credentials
intitle: index.of etc shadow | UNIX / etc / shadow user credentials
intitle: index.of master.passwd | UNIX user credentials master.passwd
intitle: "Index of" spwd.db | spwd.db UNIX credentials
filetype: bak inurl: "htaccess | | UNIX various password file backups
passwd | shadow | htusers
filetype: inc dbconn | Various database credentials
filetype: inc intext: mysql_ | Various database credentials, server names
filetype: properties inurl: db | Various database credentials, server names
intext: password
inurl: vtund.conf intext: pass-cvs | Virtual Tunnel Daemon passwords
inurl: "wvdial.conf" intext: | wdial dialup user credentials
filetype: mdb wwforum | Web Wiz Forums Web credentials
"AutoCreate = TRUE password =*" | Website Access Analyzer user passwords
filetype: PWL PWL | Windows Password List user credentials
filetype: reg reg + intext: | Windows Registry Keys containing user
"Defaultusername" intext: | credentials
filetype: reg reg + intext: | Windows Registry Keys containing user
"Internet account manager" | credentials
"Index of /" "ws_ftp.ini" | WS_FTP FTP credentials
"Parent directory"
filetype: pwd This WS_FTP | WS_FTP FTP user credentials
inurl: / wwwboard | wwwboard user credentials
-------------------[/ B]
[/ size]

anyone wants to try passwords from German website?
should replace the word "password" using German language course ....
below is a table with 5 countries in the language translation passwords each country.

German | password | Kennwort
Spanish | password | contrasea
French | password | mot de passe
Italian | password | parola d'accesso
Portuguese | password | senha
Dutch | password | Paswoord
after a lot of friends have a password, what would you do?
Do not do evil that must be,
Just look it or you are too nice to tell the admin.
Do not forget to provide home john the ripper,,
sapa tau passwords are stored in encrypted state.

SOURCE: http://radenbeletz.blogdetik.com/trik-cara-mendapatkan-user-name-dan-password-mbah-google/

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