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Had not you think, when you try pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL but it is not the Task Manager appears, but pornography? wow wowMaybe also when you type taskmgr.exe in the command prompt or that appears to actually RUN notepad ... Actually it was not only wrote, you can also change the Task Manager or the CTRL + ALT + DEL with virus the way it is actually quite easy! I explained slowly 1. The first of the start menu select RUN 2. It Habiz type Regedit.exe

3. then ... .. open .. The following registry keys:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Image File Execution Options \ taskmgr.exe Well, there you click the key "taskmgr.exe" (key is like a folder). On the right side of regedit, right-click and select New - String. Give it a name registry with the name "Debugger". (if you've no "Debugger" yes already, do not make anymore). Then double click on the registry "Debugger" it. Enter the complete location of the program that will be used as a substitute task manager. For example C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Notepad.exe it will replace the taskmanager to notepad. easy right? my notes: 1. If you use the XP with the usual login system, so either way over the impact on the CTRL + ALT + DEL or when called Task Manager. 2. If you are using XP you have the style settings such as login windows 2000, then the above does not affect how the CTRL + ALT + DEL, but only influential in calling replace Task Manager only. 3. Can you replace the program's up to you

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